Intercolegial de Padres 2015 ASA is proud after wrapping up its second Parents' Intercolegial. Parents from numerous Asuncion schools came to the campus for friendly yet lively competition. Special thanks to our maintenance and security...
Kῦjererᾶ en guaraní Los estudiantes de Escuela Media estuvieron trabajando en la lectura y análisis de trabalenguas en guaraní. Eso los animó a realizar luego los propios. Prueba de este trabajo divertido...
Kanguro Almost 80 students in grades 3-12 volunteered to participate in the international math competition known as Kanguro. This event is held in 45 countries, and ASA has always had strong results. We will learn which of our students...
Proyecto de lectura de 5° grado Una obra de Julio Verne ha sido la lectura de todos los estudiantes del 5° grado B a finales del semestre pasado. La lectura de La vuelta al mundo en 80 días ha despertado el interés...
Intercolegial a Huge Success. ASA's 2015 Intercolegial was the best one yet! We are extremely proud of our Seniors for all their work in organizing the event. We began planning last May-and the hard work certainly paid off. ...