Board of Directors

ASA Board of Directors

Under the statutes of the School’s Parents Association, the Board of Directors is the governing body. As such, the Board of Directors exercises authority as a collective group and only through action at a duly convened, official meeting.

Board Goals and Objectives

On an annual basis, the Board will set forth a statement of purpose and direction in which specific goals and objectives will be identified for the continual enhancement of the educational environment. In turn, these goals and objectives will form a basis for the Board to determine policy, set priorities, and establish short and/or long-range plans. In addition, they will provide a means by which the Board communicates with the community at large in regard to its work. The Board’s goals and objectives will be communicated in writing to ASA’s parent community. At the March assembly, a status report on the Board’s work towards these goals and objectives will be given.

Composition of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall be made up of nine (9) titular members, of which four (4) shall be Paraguayan citizens, (4) citizens of the United States of America, and one (1) citizen of a third nationality. If there is no candidate to fill this last position, the position shall be occupied by a U.S. citizen. All of the members must be fee-paying parents or legal guardians of students of the ASA who are up to date in their school payments. In addition, the person that the Ambassador of the United States of America designates as his/her representative shall be included as an ex officio member with a voice but without a vote.

Board Officers

The Board of Directors shall meet each year within five (5) days following the assembly in which the election was held to elect the President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Pro Treasurer, and Secretary who will each fill their respective positions for one (1) year.

  • President: Giselle Britos
  • Vice President: Guillermo Gómez Abente
  • Treasurer: Carlos Gill
  • Pro Treasurer:  Diego Varela
  • Secretary:  Maria Caniza
  • Members: Judith Usandivaras, Amber Recinos, Jorge Prieto, Carlos Sebastián García 
  • Trustee:  Victoria Burt
  • Sub Trustee: Mariana Mendelzon
  • U.S. Amb. Rep: Mark Kerr
  • Director General:  Dr. Ben Ploeger

Regular and extraordinary Board Meetings

The regular meetings of the Board of Directors will be held monthly, with the exception of January, at the school or in places and on dates agreed to by the Board. Extraordinary Board meetings may be called at any time by the Board President or upon the written request of five (5) or more members of the Board of Directors. The date, time, and place of these meetings will be communicated to Board members in advance with at least 48 hrs. notice.

Unless otherwise specified by statutes, the presence of five members of the Board of Directors will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The only action that may be taken if fewer than five members are present is the action to adjourn. The President of the Board will preside over Board meetings or in his/her absence, the Vice President.


Please find here: the Board Policy Manual (English) (PDF1.6MB) - Manual de Politicas del Consejo Directivo (Spanish) (PDF1.6MB) ASA Statutes (English) (60KB) - Estatutos Oficiales del ASA (Spanish) (87KB)