Be an ASA Teacher
The American School of Asuncion welcomes applications from qualified, progressive, and experienced teachers looking for a vibrant, challenging, and rewarding teaching experience. As part of our commitment to child protection, ASA completes a thorough background check on all candidates. Employees of the American School of Asuncion work at a beautifully green, open-air campus in the heart of Asuncion.
ASA Admin and its Board of Directors conducts an extensive market survey of both the local and international (South and Central American) markets for employee compensation every year. Our goal is to remain in the top quartile in overall compensation for the area and the region. The school’s benefits package is commensurate and highly competitive for the market, offering such benefits as a comprehensive medical plan, a generous housing allowance, and extensive opportunities for professional development. ASA actively solicits teaching candidates through the services of several recruiting firms. Interested candidates can find the particulars of the school’s compensation and benefits package on sites/or with recruiting agencies such as AMISA and Search Associates.
ES classrooms are very well-outfitted, and each teacher is given an annual budget to order needed supplies. Students bring their own materials and (older students) devices. ES sends a supply list home for the next school year, so contact your teaching partners if you have a particular item you want the kids to bring. Special items like stickers, bulletin boards, etc. are available but can be hard to find and expensive. If there is something you must have for your classroom, bring it, or contact your division principal about specific items.
In each classroom, teachers have at least one PC desktop, digital projector, and a Smartboard. Additionally, all ES and some secondary school classrooms have document cameras. All ES classrooms have between 3-5 iPads and growing, with a class set being available for check-out. Finally, we are a BYOD school in MS and HS, where students bring their own internet-enabled devices for classroom work. In the division offices, in addition to a miracle-working secretary, a networked color printer is available with a hot cup of coffee! There are many technologies and services available schoolwide. This includes a teachers’ lounge with computers and a printer, a staffed copy room, computers and a printer in the Library and two computer teaching labs - ES and HS - which are sometimes available for sign-ups. Also, the MPR and MPR2 are available for booking presentations and events. The original Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) has a very large projection screen while the MPR2 contains a smartboard. In terms of tech staffing, The Technology Director and his IT team are knowledgeable and willing to help with whatever needs you might have. The Technology Director also serves as an Integrationist and assists teachers in effectively and creatively implementing technology into their lessons. For educational software, all teachers and students have Google accounts, which includes access to most tools in G Suite for Education including Mail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and several other Google Applications. All grades and attendance are done through RenWeb.
The curriculum is readily available for teachers via the Atlas Curriculum Management System. Standards and resources are also accessible via an in-house server, and a brief version on the ASA website. It is expected that teachers follow the general curriculum, map their lessons, and align both vertically and horizontally.
The school-wide PD goals and trainings are aligned to the mission, and to the curriculum. Recently, PD has purposely differentiated to fit the differing needs and preferences of teachers. Many teachers take the initiative to seek out training and development opportunities that they find beneficial and have received support from the school. Teachers are also sent to conferences a few times throughout the year. This year we had teachers attend the AASSA conference, a Google conference, School Counseling conferences, Advanced Placement Institutes, EdTech summits, and many more.
ASA parents care and are invested in their child’s success. Most parents are 100% supportive of the teachers and simply want to know what they can do to help their child improve. At the elementary level, parents are extremely involved. Room mothers (a structure supported via the PTA) are great for getting the word out or if you want holiday centers and assistance with celebrating birthdays. MS conducts student-led conferences, resulting in a high rate of attendance. Positives about children are always appreciated and one can never keep parents too well informed! There are newsletters, progress reports, and conferences, digital mailers--we have many ways we connect and communicate with parents.
Paraguay is a very social place and ASA students love to socialize--teachers should capitalize on this! Using a child’s natural inclination to share and express and treating it as a strength will only enhance group discussions, group projects, and pairs' work. Generally speaking, behavior problems here are minimal and our students are respectful. The ES has very successfully and thoroughly integrated the Second Step socio-emotional learning program, and you see the results on bulletin boards and in student writing.The common language and strategies developed within the program put everyone on the same page with regard to behavior and self-control in and out of the classroom.
The school is well established and the staff is wonderful! There is a good balance between work stress and satisfaction. There is a real sense of community and care but also a strong desire to enhance learning and teaching.
Like many places that are well established, the school has its traditions. Operationally, the school could run itself with little input--it knows how to be a school. However, education is about change and evolution and meeting the needs of the times. This, at times, but not unique to ASA, can be a challenge--moving in a different direction can take some work.
The American School of Asunción was founded in 1954 by parents from the U.S. community. In 1959 Paraguayan students were enrolled for the first time through a Paraguayan government decree. The school buildings on the present site were inaugurated on July 4, 1963, by the United States Ambassador and the Paraguayan Minister of Education. As ASA's program offerings and student population grew, the school's physical plant expanded to its present size. Our school has a rich tradition of educational excellence in the community and a commitment to continuous school improvement. Many children of alumni attend ASA and there is an Alumni Center on the campus.