Estimados Padres del ASA Por favor, tómense un momento para leer los nuevos procedimientos de pagos de Cuotas Escolares para el siguiente periodo escolar Gracias Dear ASA Parents Please take a moment to read the new tuition...
Homenaje a la independencia de la Rca. del Paraguay Camino al Bicentenario Camino al Bicentenario II
ASA invited speakers, musicians and had students putting on shows and demonsrating their work and projects to celebrate the Paraguayan independence day.
Dreamspark is a program developed by Mircrosoft that allows students that are interested in computers to download free Microsoft software such as Windows Server 2008, Virtual PC and much more. Students need only request a code from the technology department...
This year's Extreme Day will have the theme of the MUNDIAL 2010. It will be on May 27th. There will be games, asado, guitar hero competition and many surprises! Come prepared!