Results of the Contest of Remodeling the ASA Canteen

Results of the Contest of Remodeling the ASA Canteen

On November 23, 2012 the jury for the judgment of the projects presented met. The jury was composed of the Building and Grounds Committee, a representative of ASA faculty and chaired by the Architect Ma. Luz Cubilla, representative of the Paraguayan Association of Architects (APAR).


The representative of APAR recommended the judging criteria. The projects were judged anonymously, without knowing the identity of the bidders. The jury knew the identity of the designers once the process ended and the winners were proclaimed to ensure transparency.

The ASA Board of Directors met on the night of November 26, 2012 to receive the minutes of judgment and upheld the decision of the Jury who proclaimed winners to:


First Prize: Arq. Alcides Adorno

Second Prize: Arq. César Aquino

Third Prize: Arq. Johanna Neumann


The ASA Board of Directors also has authorized the use of Reserve funds within the necessary budget line that may be required for the completion of the construction and execution of the winning project. It is planned to be constructed during the summer holidays and have the renovated and extended canteen for when classes start in February.