Heartfelt farewell to Mrs. Segovia

Heartfelt farewell to Mrs. Segovia

After 25 years of dedication and hard work, the elementary school gave a heartfelt farewell to their Guarani teacher, Mrs. Irene Segovia. Colleagues and students filled the Elementary hallways to celebrate her on her last day at ASA. Our Elementary students cheered and waved paper hearts as Mrs. Irene walked from her 5th grade Guarani class to the Elementary office where she received flowers.

Mrs. Segovia was the elementary Guarani teacher at ASA for 24 years. She taught Guarani and appreciation for our culture and language through games and songs. Mrs.Segovia organized and led the Elementary Folklore Day dances for 24 years, and this beautiful tradition, her legacy will always remind us of her.

Her impact on the school community will be cherished, and though she will be greatly missed, her legacy will continue to inspire all who had the privilege of working with her. We wish her all the best in the next chapter of her life!  
