Grade 9-12 College Admissions Nights at ASA

Grade 9-12 College Admissions Nights at ASA

series of College Admissions Nights for ASA parents and students were presented by ASA's college and high school counselor, Ms. Briana Colorado. On Monday evening September 9 she did a presentation for the 12 grade; on Tuesday evening September 10 the presentation was for 10th and 11th grade; and, on Wednesday evening September 11 the presentation was for 9th grade.  All of Ms. Colorado's power point presentations and additional college admissions time lines for each grade level, and materials that explain in detail the ASA's Grade 9-12 Admissions Program, are now available through Renweb; and, also on the home page under "College Checklists" and under the High School Counselor section on the home page.  Hard copies of the materials and power point are also available of the in the ASA Guidance and Counseling Office.  Ms. Colorado welcomes ASA parents and students to come to meet with her at any time to talk about the college admissions process or any other issues of concern.