8th Grade Students Visit UNA's College of AgroScience

8th Grade Students Visit UNA's College of AgroScience

The entire 8th-grade class pioneered a community connection with the National University of Asuncion (UNA) through a half-day visit to the College of Agricultural Sciences.

Students studied the vast collection of mammals, fish, reptiles, and birds on display at the museum by sketching images of various creatures and labeling parts of their bodies that improved their survivability. They also explored the collection of 1000s of insects from butterflies to beetles and further documented the differences in physical structures through note-taking and diagrams. All students also explored the large research fields used by the university to study plant and insect interactions that impact agricultural production.

This academic field trip is closely aligned with the biology topics that students are learning in middle school as well as being a key opportunity for students to explore college and career pathways. ASA looks forward to developing more community collaborations with the top university in Paraguay.