3rd Graders Visit Mazzei Cookie Factory

3rd Graders Visit Mazzei Cookie Factory

The entire 3rd grade class took an academic field trip to the Mazzei Cookie Factory as part of their social studies unit on consumer and producer economics. Students toured the factory in three different groups to see how the cookie ingredients are sourced, how the cookies are made, and how the cookies are packaged for delivery. This sort of contextual learning is
ideal for students to make real-world connections between what they are learning in their classroom activities and how the real world works.

This trip was made possible due to the collaboration of the Mazzei Galletitas company and ASA staff, specifically the 3rd grade teacher team (Mr. Hillman, Mrs. Casali, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Bossom) and a 5th grade instructional assistant, Mrs. Riquelme. Who know that learning could be so sweet!