Summer Boost For a third year we are hosting the Summer Boost for our children. ASA has a similar calendar to schools in the USA, with one major difference. Our long mid-year break (December, January, and February) can result...
Proyecto “Guerra de la Triple Alianza: Teatro Leído” Los estudiantes del grado 12° han trabajado en un proyecto sobre la Guerra de la Triple Alianza en la clase de Historia del Paraguay. Luego de haber consultado variadas...
For our 1st semester service project, 7th, 8th and 9th grade members of the National Junior Honor Society organized a collection of food to create Christmas gift bags. One of the four pillars of NJHS is "Service" and our students wanted to...
La semana pasada en Primer grado tuvimos Elecciones. Tal como son las Elecciones nacionales, preparamos nuestra cédula de identidad. Preparamos el boletín de voto, la Mesa de votación, Cuarto oscuro. Elegimos a un presidente de...
Secondary students at ASA expressed their support and concern for people in France and elsewhere in the world who are suffering from terrorism or oppression by joining in an international moment of silence this morning.