Olimpiadas Kanguro en ASA Esta mañana, decenas de estudiantes de Escuela Primaria, Media y Superior participaron de la evaluación interna de la Olimpiada Kanguro, en el Complejo Cultural y Deportivo. Los felicitamos por su participación....
Tea Ceremony The Ambassador of Japan His Excellency Yoshihisa Ueda, the Japanese Ambassador to Paraguay, visited ASA on Tuesday, March 15th. The Ambassador demonstrated the art of Japanese Tea Ceremony for our grade 7 students who are...
CIS University Tour ASA hosted the CIS University Tour that included 18 colleges from the United States and other parts of the world. Students got to talk to university representatives and attend informational presentations on the application process...
The first-ever F.R.E.D. (Fathers Reading Every Day) Run & Read took place the evening of Feb. 24. The event consisted of free play in the Cultural and Sports Center, followed by child/dad book reading, PE activity centers, and a featured...
AWARDS CEREMONY Last Friday we were able to celebrate the fine achievement of our HS over the first semester. It was great to see so many parents out, and to witness how many of our students are achieving at an extremely high level. CEREMONIA...