A toda la comunidad de ASA El día Sabado 21 de Setiembre de 2013 desde las 9 AM se realizará una subasta pública de bienes en desuso tales como equipos, muebles y articulos varios. Lista adjunta. Se puede pasar a chequear...
This past week, literary critic, author and writer Tracy Lewis form the United States visited and spoke to high school classes. We thank him for coming to speak at ASA and for sharing his insights. He is the kind of visitor...
The ASA HS debate team has been involved in a series of debates with local schools: SIL, Inter, Faith Christian, Colegio del Sol. The debates have been taking place on the ASA campus. We won the first round....
We are always looking for ways to upgrade and improve our security at ASA. For example, our security office is now equipped with large plasma screens (formerly used in classrooms but now replaced by smartboards in...
ASA students, staff and parents had a rare treat when Nicloe Henry and her jazz band from the US, who were sponsored by the US Embassy, performed at ASA on September 12. It was a great event for everyone! She and her band talked...