The class of 2018 had its launch for its Intercolegial Digital 2018 on Tuesday November 21st. The application for the event will be available for download on Android and Apple devices soon!
Our high school athletes returned home last Saturday from the "BIG 8" tournament in Nosso Recanto, where we competed against some of the best teams in Brazil. ASA won the general trophy of the "BIG 8" tournament for the fifth...
Our students and parents enjoyed the Halloween parade, trick or treating, and many other activities last week. Thank you to our PTA, parents, and students for organizing this wonderful event. Photo Gallery
Estudiantes del National Honor Society prepararon actividades y donaciones para su visita a la Escuela La Salle el lunes 30 de Octubre. Gracias a la Escuela por recibirnos! NHS students prepared activities and donations for their visit to Escuela...
INVITACIÓN E INSTRUCCIONES A LOS CONCURSANTES The American School of Asunción (ASA), tiene el agrado de invitar a profesionales Arquitectos a presentar propuestas para el Concurso Público de Anteproyecto para el bloque...