We congratulate the students and parents of the 2021 promotion of the ASA, for the excellent teamwork that with our events department they have worked for the organization and implementation of this ASA RUN. The run had a great impact on the community...
Al terminar el primer bimestre, en 5° grado hemos hecho nuestra celebración de escritura. Los estudiantes se sintieron sumamente orgullosos de sus textos narrativos y lo compartieron con toda la clase. ¡Bien hecho, escritores! ...
Fiesta de las Medallas Olimpiadas de Matemáticas 14 de septiembre de 2019 Han clasificado a la ronda final sólo 1.426 estudiantes de los más de 31.000 que iniciaron la competencia este año en el nivel infantil. Estamos...
The annual EducationUSA South America College Fair made a stopover at ASA on September 4th. Representatives from more than 10 US colleges and universities shared information about their particular institution with high school students from ASA and several...
ASA ANNUAL COMMUNITY SERVICE FAIR T Thursday, August 22, from 8:00 to 9:30 am, we had the "ASA ANNUAL COMMUNITY SERVICE FAIR". Student leaders and representatives of the different organizations have explained the objectives and services...